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А press-lunch with microfinance company Finotdel at the Golden Apple Hotel

9 October 2012

А press-lunch was held at the Golden Apple Hotel, Moscow, with microfinance company Finotdel; specialized on credit services for small-medium enterprises, supported by the Communications Agency Poleznye Svyazy. Discussed were various perspectives on the development of micro lending in Russian, and in particular on Finotdel as the leading player in micro financing for the small-medium enterprises sector.
In attendance were representatives from local businesses; NAUMIR Mikhail Mamuta, chairman of Board of directors of the group Adela FRG, Evgenij Bernshtam, General Director of Finotdel Ekaterina Sidorova, PR and marketing director Oleg Glushakov and journalists of leading business media.
Issues related to the support of small and middle enterprises were addressed during the event, with focus on the standardization of IFRS and legislative initiatives within the microfinancial sector.
Finotdel Management commented directly on the results of the Company’s operations, business processes, and key aspects of its marketing strategy.