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Crimean branch of the FMSC FMBA Russia held the online press-conference

30 April 2020

The Communications Agency Poleznye svyazy provided organizational and informational support to the press-conference held by the Crimean branch of the Federal Medical and Scientific Center FMBA Russia (ex Yalta City Hospital №1). At the press-conference the Center’s management together with Moscow experts from the FMSC FMBA discussed perspectives for development of the Crimean healthcare sector and future modernization of the city hospital. During the interactive press-conference that connected speakers from Moscow and Yalta on one site, 15 representatives of peninsula’s leading online media were able to ask topical questions about current modernization of the medical center in Crimea, high-tech medical care for region’s residents, and current programs to counter the epidemiological coronavirus on the peninsula. About 100 publications were published in the rating media of the region and industry-specific federal media following the results of the event, including stories on local television and radio.