The Communications Agency Poleznye Svyazy completed works aimed at administrative support of the spring session of the Rublevaya Zona Financial Media Contest, with the TeleTrade Group of Companies acting as the financial partner. About 200 applications and over 400 cases from regional financial reporters and bloggers were processed and considered as part of the contest. The contest nominees included reporters of the lead mass media as follow: Tula State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, RIA "Tomsk", Delovoy kvartal – Krasnoyarsk, "Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti", "Kommersant Udmurtia", "Kommersant Ural" and other rated regional mass media. The ceremony of winner award took place on May 25 in Krasnoyarsk; the main contest prize was the internship at one of the lead world media organization. Since 2014, the Rublevaya Zona Financial Media Contest takes place in different Russian cities twice a year. The purpose of the contest is to promote the growth of financial awareness among Russian citizens, to search and identify and gather talented authors from every corner of Russia and to bring the financial press to the higher level.
"Svyazy" gathered the best of financial media from regions
1 June 2018