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TeleTrade press lunch in Novosibirsk

25 April 2017

In Novosibirsk, supported by the Communications Agency Poleznye svyazy, the press lunch was held to discuss the findings of the analytical research held by the TeleTrade Group of Companies on the "Wealth status of Novosibirsk residents - how to maintain and increase assets under high inflation and change of investment targets".  The following were engaged in the event: Dmitry Drigaylo, the Vice-President for TeleTrade Group of Companies, Mark Goykhman, the Lead Analyst. Estimated by the TeleTrade analysts, in 2016, the inflation rate in the region was lower than the average for Russian due to the pay pause and prevalence of expenditure over profit. In early 2017, this tendency gave a way for the population to save assets. As per analysts, the federal loan bonds and cash-value life insurance are reported to be the most effective investment tools. Yet, earnings from exchange transactions and purchase of real estate are gainless since the profit does not reimburse losses caused by inflation. The press breakfast was attended by 8 reporters representing leading business and mass media in the region. The event resulted in 14 publications.