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Press conference of TeleTrade in Yekaterinburg

11 November 2015

In Yekaterinburg, with the support of the Communications Agency Poleznye Svyazy a press conference dedicated to the analytical report of TeleTrade "Savings in Sverdlovsk region" was held. The event was attended by Vice-president of the group of companies TeleTrade Dmitry Drigaylo, analyst Alexander Egorov, managing partner of the office representing the TeleTrade in Yekaterinburg - "Center analysts and financial technologies" - Eugeniy Berezkin. According to the company report only a quarter of  inhabitants of the Middle Urals has a large permanent savings, and 30% of them live in Yekaterinburg, only 25% of residents of the area have savings in excess of 50 thousand rubles (in Russia in general -  slightly above 27%). The most popular type of investments are bank deposits. The press conference was attended by 10 journalists from leading regional media following the event came about 20 materials.