+7 499 257-30-05 +7 499 579-93-36
+7 499 257-13-81 +7 499 579-93-37
Building 1, 14, Bumazhny proezd, Moscow

The Communications Agency Poleznye Svyazy started with trucks

27 May 2015

In Moscow suburb a new Major Truck Center was opened with the support of the Communications Agency Poleznye Svyazy. The new multi brand dealer center will provide corporate customers with technical service support of European quality for trucks and vehicles of Iveco, Isuzu, GAZ, Volovo Trucks, Renault Trucks, Krone, Grunwald, Rolfo. According to the marketing plans new center, fully tooled up by hi-tech equipment, will win one of the leading places on commercial trucks service market to the end of 2015. Next step of Major Truck Center – developing an own carcass production. Under the project the Agency initiated media coverage of the event in car and industry media.