+7 499 257-30-05 +7 499 579-93-36
+7 499 257-13-81 +7 499 579-93-37
Building 1, 14, Bumazhny proezd, Moscow

Opening of the second office of Renaissance Credit bank in Penza

11 October 2011

The grand opening of the second regional office for remotely work to clients of Renaissance Credit bank took place in Penza with support of the Communications Agency Poleznye svyazy. The bank plans to become the most attractive employer of the city and region — today the office has been operating for 400 employees, this number will increase to 750 in 2012. The event was attended by top managers of the bank — Oleg Skvortsov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Senior Vice-Presidents — Elena Loginova and Zhanna Shchen­ni­ko­va as well as representatives of local and regional government, social organizations and institutions of Penza and region. The bank has considered about 40 Russian city for office placement but Penza has been the most suitable city in terms of conditions for the creation of high-tech and efficient operation center.